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How to setup your USI Tech back office

Maximize your ROI


It's important to set up your back office correctly for maxim results, this will be new for you and although the system is easy to use, it may be confusing. Luckily the team have developed tried and tested settings for you to use by following this step by step guide.

1.1 Log into your USI Tech Account you created in step 1 of the guide.

Login in using the user name and password you created, add the page to you favorites because you will love login into it checking out your progress. 

1.2 explore your package menus

You will see your USI menu on the left of the screen, expand the package options menu and select re-buy setup.

1.3 Re-buy Setup

Now your on the re-buy set up page you need to ensure these setting are correct,

Set your  Percentage Number: to 100

Make sure your Percentage Reads: 100%

The bottom box which reads Include Unilevel and Car Bonus in Re-buy: Set to : No

Once completed save settings.-

And that's it settings are good to go.

But what have you just done. well you have set up USI to automatically re-buy more BTC packs from your daily return on capital. This will Re-buy every time to have earned the amount of BTC for 1 pack, and will have a compounding effect with every re-buy increasing you daily returns. The more packs you hold the higher your returns will be , there is no limit on how hard you drive this process, only how much time, money , or work you put in. There is more to learn which can increase your capital even more which we cover in later Tips.

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