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Making your 1st Bitcoin purchase

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Buying bitcoin HOW?


Well you have seen it on the news, and in the papers, people are making millions from bitcoin. How are they doing it, buying it, selling it??? there is a bit of mystery around the whole thing. 

You buy it through a Crypto exchange and we advise for beginners using coinbase the most secure and trusted exchange out there today, you will even get a little bonus when signing up via our links.

2.1 Long into your coin base account you created in step 2 of the guide.

Once your logged in  you should see the market data in graphs, showing how the price is moving, you can look at this data for litecoin, Ethereum, and others, but we are interested in Bitcoin. If you have any messages like I have in the image right read and dismiss them to access the full panel behind.

2.2 buy/ sell

Now with the messages cleared you should see 5 tabs in the white banner click the tab buy/sell.

ensure you have bitcoin ticked as in the image left.

in the payment method select your bank visa card.


***If you don't  have a card added to you CoinBase account you will need to add one


Enter the amount in the box at the bottom you can do this in GBP or BTC which ever you understand best.

Then just click instantly buy bitcoin

2.3 Payment confirmation

Once you hit the buy button you will be presented with a final screen giving you a break down of how much BTC you will receive for your GBP. and a small Coinbase fee.

2.4 You now own bitcoin

Confirm your buy and you now have a bitcoin profile, its really that easy people. If you click on the accounts tab in the top white banner you will see how much you own, this value in GBP will move with the market price so may increase in value whilst your holding it in your wallet.

Have an experiment with coin base have a good look around the site, its simple to use and fun to watch the coin increasing. Just never sell it in a dip.
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