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Now you have you Bitcoin your almost there

It's time to change your life, and join a group of over 750,000 Earning from capital within USI Tech, to do that you will need to purchase USI's BTC package offers.


        "Before starting make sure you are logged into CoinBase"

3.1 Login to your USI Tech acount

Just as before once logged in you will be looking at the left hand menu, for the package options tab, click it just like before and it will expand. now we are going to Place an order.


Click place an order.

3.2 Buying your packs

You will get 2 options here, BTC Packages, or Token Packages.

Today we want to use our BTC from CoinBase to buy BTC packages. these will give you a 140% ROI, how much you will make depends on how many packs you buy but we will cover this in the final section. When your ready click purchase on the left hand BTC Packages.

3.3 Selecting your payment method

Now you need to select what BTC your going to use to make your purchase, In USI you do not buy these items with cash you use the Bitcoin. If you have earnings in your USI wallet you can buy these packs from the top button, that's coming very soon  once you start earning ROI.


For now click the lower button to buy with your secure coinBase account.

3.4 Selecting the amount of packs you wish to purchases

Your next screen will be as in the image, you need to select the amount  of pack's you wish to buy which cost approximately £45 each. You will be paying in BTC remember and the price will shift in BTC with the market value. Buy low and you will get heavy pack's buy high and you will have more pack's In put the amount of packs you  require and click purchase. Make sure you have the required BTC in CoinBase to cover the cost of the Pack's and to click the T&C's box.

3.5 Now for the tricky Bit

You need to copy that long Key above the barcode, under the clock see image. This is your USI Wallet Address where you going to send your coins to. 

3.5 Open you Coin Base window

In the white top menu as before click on accounts, you will see a page like on the image. You should see the Bitcoin wallet at the top (BTC), click the send button under your BTC amounts.

3.6 Sending your BTC to USI Tech

On the next popup you will have to enter the wallet address from step 3.5, the long key under the bar code into the address on coinbase. The best thing to do is copy and paste it. even then make sure its 100% right, there is no room for errors in this step. I always check the first 2 and the last 2 digits are the same. Next you need to enter the amount in BTC you want to send. Go back to your USI Screen to the count down clock it will give you a grand total number in BTC, Copy and paste that into the amount box. add a little note so you know what you spent your BTC on and click continue.

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3.7 The Wait

That as they say in the business is that, you have to wait now for exchange to be confirmed, which can take anywhere from 2 to 12 hour's depending how busy the block chain is.


One thing to note is USI Tech only trade our capital Monday till Friday so if your buying packs on Sunday and not a lot seems to be happening, check back Monday night you will be happy with what you find

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